You are a true democrat!

Thanks to you, we can continue our work for a more democratic world. But we're not there yet, we need a lot of help to succeed. Please share on social media that you are supporting us and encourage others to help by using the buttons below:

Our greatest democracy heroes

If you donate more than 200 EUR, you will be added to our list of democracy heroes.

No 1: Trustchain, NGI, $117 000 EUR

No 2: Dave, mathematician, 6000 EUR

No 3: Kevin Triplett, 5600 EUR

No 4: Andrés Gutiérrez Castellá, statistician, 300 EUR

No 5: Anna, nurse, 200 EUR

The Digital Democracy Association is a non-profit association that is religiously and politically independent. It aims to support and promote effective democratic organisation of people at all levels: from small networks and organisations at grassroots level to large companies, political parties and organisations at national and international level.

Its ultimate goal is a world in which everyone's influence and participation is maximised in a way that is compatible with high flexibility, efficiency and power to act in human co-operation and organisations. The Association's sub-goals are to (i) develop innovative open-source tools for digital democratic organisation (ii) disseminate knowledge and stimulate interest in effective democratic decision-making and organisational practices (iii) support organisations and companies to improve their internal democracy.

