Help us launch Flowback 1.0!
In order to launch Flowback 1.0, our digital democracy tool, we need your help! We need money to:
- Finalize Flowback for launch in spring 2023
- Pay the programmers
- Rent space for a release conference this spring
- Organise a release party in conjunction with the conference in spring
Support us now and become one of our democracy heroes!
Our greatest democracy heroes
If you donate more than 200 EUR, you will be added to our list of democracy heroes.
No 1: Trustchain, NGI, $117 000 EUR
No 2: Dave, mathematician, 6000 EUR
No 3: Kevin Triplett, 5600 EUR
No 4: Andrés Gutiérrez Castellá, statistician, 300 EUR
No 5: Anna, nurse, 200 EUR
The Digital Democracy Association is a non-profit association that is religiously and politically independent. It aims to support and promote effective democratic organisation of people at all levels: from small networks and organisations at grassroots level to large companies, political parties and organisations at national and international level.
Its ultimate goal is a world in which everyone's influence and participation is maximised in a way that is compatible with high flexibility, efficiency and power to act in human co-operation and organisations. The Association's sub-goals are to (i) develop innovative open-source tools for digital democratic organisation (ii) disseminate knowledge and stimulate interest in effective democratic decision-making and organisational practices (iii) support organisations and companies to improve their internal democracy.